Home » Trick Shots » Pocket two balls from underneath handkerchief
Pocket two balls from underneath handkerchief
Place the 1 ball on the foot spot. Freeze the 2 ball against the 1 in a direct line with the edge of the corner pocket.* Then place a new or slightly starched handkerchief over the two balls. Causually chalk up your cue and place the chalk over the center diamond on the foot rail. Place the cue ball near the head string halfway between diamonds 6 and 7. Shoot the cue ball directly at the piece of chalk with a soft center ball stroke. Hard stroke can cause a miss.
The weight of the cue ball is transferred to the 2 ball which in turn pushes the 1 ball to the left throwing it from it’s dead position* directly into the pocket. The 2 ball is also dead off the 1 ball.